For BD locations other than The United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico, please refer to regional invoicing guidelines or to your purchase order.
2. If your invoices or credit notes do not meet all legal, tax, and BD requirements, BD will return these invoices or credit notes to you. This includes indicating BD entity name, address, and tax ID in full as prescribed in the checklist. BD will explain the reason why your invoice or credit note has been returned for further clarifications.
Becton Dickinson utilizes the Tungsten Network (KOFAX) e-Invoicing platform to improve the invoicing and payment experience with our suppliers.
For questions related to the Tungsten Network Portal (KOFAX), please contact Tungsten Support services that provide assistance in English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Polish and Portuguese.
For additional support, we can be reached through (for suppliers not yet enrolled to Tungsten Network (KOFAX)) or through the Coupa Supplier Portal (for Coupa invoices).
3. BD shell calculate payment terms from the later of the date when BD receives a compliant invoice or credit note via an approved submission method, or the date of receipt of conforming good/services.
4. Electronic invoicing is the only supported invoicing method for most invoices to BD U.S. legal entities (excluding Puerto Rico).
Check Status Invoice Status
For Tungsten enabled suppliers - the real-time status of your invoices submitted to BD is also available directly through the Tungsten Network Portal.
Suppliers that are not yet enrolled with Tungsten Network can check invoice status by visiting and selecting “Invoice Payment Status”.
Instructions and Screen Tips are provided for each request type.
*Please Note: Registration is required at no cost.