The BD Microtainer® Contact-Activated Lancet is a safety-engineered device used for the fingerstick collection of blood. Fingersticks should not be performed on children less than 1 year of age (according to CLSI guidelines*).
The BD Microtainer® Contact-Activated Lancet is a safety-engineered device used for the fingerstick collection of blood. Fingersticks should not be performed on children less than 1 year of age (according to CLSI guidelines*).
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* Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI; formerly NCCLS): Procedures and Devices for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Skin Puncture; Approved Standard (Sixth Edition). Wayne, PA, USA, 2008: Document H4-A6.
Ce dispositif médical porte le marquage CE conformément à la directive européenne 93/42/CEE relative aux dispositifs médicaux et est certifié CE par la NSAI - National Standards Authority of Ireland (Numéro d’organisme notifié = 0050 pour les lancettes Microtainer® Contact (CAL) et BD Microtainer® Quikheel™)