
BD Oncology

BD Oncology solutions help improving efficiency in time sensitive clinical management, reducing medication errors and enhancing safety.

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Transforming the Oncology pathway

With the incidence of oncology cases over 4 million in Europe1 each year and rising, healthcare organisations are faced with the challenge of meeting the increasing demands on their services without compromising safety and efficiency.

That’s why BD Oncology offers a suite of solutions to transform the entire oncology pathway from prescription to preparation and administration. Using connected workflows, we have streamlined processes for oncologists, pharmacists, nurses and technicians. 

And while every organisation faces medication errors, oncology is particularly vulnerable due to the complexities of treatment plans and the high-risk drugs used.2

By connecting and automating workflows, you can minimise safety failures, unlock hidden capacity to treat more patients, and help to protect health care workers.

Unmistakably BD Oncology.

Our experts have developed a package of content specific to your role - to support and inspire you through the challenges you face each day.

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See how our advanced solutions help to reduce errors and streamline your workflow.

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Find out how we can help you improve the safety and efficiency of your prescribing and steamline communication from drug prescription to administration.

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Discover how we can help you to improve patient care and safety.

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Learn more about how to maximise your ROI, improve productivity and protect your team from cytotoxic drug exposure.

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From prescribing and preparing medication, to administration, the patient is at the core of the cancer care pathway. 

BD Oncology solutions help improving efficiency in time sensitive clinical management, reducing medication errors and enhancing safety.

Make patient scheduling data available to all departments within a second.

Help to reduce paper files and phone calls to transfer patient data.

Reduce treatment time per-patient. 


Operate a truly closed system.

Reduce repetitive strain injuries in the compounding of drugs.

Monitor hazardous drug contamination quickly and easily. 


Make patient scheduling data available to all departments within a second.

Help to reduce paper files and phone calls to transfer patient data.

Reduce treatment time per-patient. 

Learn more

  1. ECIS - European Cancer Information System. From, accessed on 22/JUN/2021. © European Union, 2021.
  2. Pan American Health Organization. Safe Handling of Hazardous Chemotherapy Drugs in Limited-Resource Settings. Washington, DC: PAHO, 2013. 1. Hazardous Substances. 2. Drug Therapy. 3. Hazardous Waste. 4. Substances, Products and Materials Transportation. I. Title. ISBN 978-92-75-11801-6
Oncology Thumbnail Image Laboratorian,Clinician BD Oncology logo

BD Oncology solutions help improving efficiency in time sensitive clinical management, reducing medication errors and enhancing safety.