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Venous Technology

BD is committed to staying at the forefront of developing cutting-edge venous technologies to address the unique challenges of the venous anatomy and disease states.

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Your Partner in Venous Care

Venous disease impacts millions of people all around the world. BD’s venous portfolio consists of category-leading products, innovative solutions and dedicated patient resources – all designed to help improve clinical efficiency and enhance patient care.

Venous Products


Denali™ Vena Cava Filter  


Atlas™ Gold PTA Dilatation Catheter

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Be the first to know about venous training opportunities, clinical updates, product launches, conference activities and other venous disease information.


Product Line



Please consult product labels and instructions for use for indications, contraindications, hazards, warnings, and precautions. BD, the BD Logo, Aspirex, Atlas, Denali, Venclose, Venclose Maven and Venovo are trademarks of Becton, Dickinson and Company or its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2023 BD. All Rights Reserved. © Illustrations by Mike Austin.





Deep Venous Disease Patient Education


Explaining deep venous disease to patients can be difficult. BD has developed comprehensive patient education materials to help facilitate these conversations. To order these tools for your practice, access the folder icon below.



Deeper Dive into Iliofemoral Venous Disease


Looking for additional venous educational resources that are dedicated to healthcare professionals? Our deep venous patient guide will address common questions regarding diagnosis, treatment options and other technical considerations for venous disease treatment. 


Venous Technology Thumbnail Image Surgeon BD logo

BD is committed to staying at the forefront of developing cutting-edge venous technologies to address the unique challenges of the venous anatomy and disease states.