
Schnittstellen und Robotertechnik

BD Cato™ ist keine getrennte Anwendung, sondern lässt sich in die bestehende IT-Infrastruktur des Krankenhauses integrieren.

BD Cato™ Interfaces and Robotics


Interfaces and robotics 3
BD Cato™ weist Interoperabilität mit externen Systemen auf, wie beispielsweise mit:
  • Krankenhausinformationssystemen
  • Patientenverwaltungssystemen
  • Laborinformationssystemen
  • Apothekeninformationssystemen
  • Medikamentenverschreibungssystemen
  • Automatischen Rezepturherstellungssystemen – IV-Rezepturherstellungsrobotern
  • Abrechnungssoftwaresystemen
  • Bestandsmanagement
Easy configuration

BD Cato™ can be adapted to the respective system environment by an Administrator. Communication is either file-based or takes place via TCP/IP. The interface can be linked to several systems simultaneously (e.g. Hospital Information System and the laboratory system) and can therefore receive messages from different systems at the same time.

Methods of integration

Automatic Import of Patient Data, Including Medical Results, Diagnoses, and Administrative Data.

HL7 is a worldwide established standard for exchanging medical data between different software systems. The BD Cato™ HL7 interface uses this standard to easily connect BD Cato™ to the patient administration system, the laboratory system, or other IT systems in the hospital.

Patient information is directly imported into the BD Cato™ database and no manual entry is necessary. Both physician and pharmacist automatically have e.g. access to the latest medical results of the patient and can therefore utilize the BD Cato™ automated therapy monitoring features to full extent.

The BD Cato™ HL7 Engine runs as a server-side Windows service, receiving HL7 messages and importing the content into the BD Cato™ database. The sending system usually filters down to those patients intended for the BD Cato™ database, with the option of some additional filtering on the BD Cato™ side (e.g. by ward). If the sending system supports HL7 Query (”QRY”), an even more precise patient filter can be applied by searching for patients within the hospital system using BD Cato™ client and selectively import patients.

Currently the BD Cato™ HL7 interface is able to receive the following data using the corresponding HL7 standard:

  • patient demographic data
  • patient administration data
  • admissions, transfers and discharges: administration of cases / visits / patient account information ("case assignment")
  • patient location ("unit assignment")
  • medical results of a patient
  • diagnoses of a patient
  • medication orders (only physician- or pharmacist-verified)
  • preparation results of medications prepared externally by an automated compounding system ("robot")

BD Cato™ Data Export is used for exporting clinical as well as logistic data from BD Cato™.

A number of different formats are supported (CSV, XML, PDF, HL7,..) and can be exported in a file format (network share, SMB, FTP), sent via TCP (e.g. HL7) or using remote function call formats like SAP BAPI or web services. It is designed to run exports as scheduled service or can be triggered manually by a user. A configuration utility allows the authorized user to customize, schedule and batch exports in many ways.

The BD Cato™ Data Export service can be used for e.g. the following purposes:

  • sending consumption data to external material management systems or external billing and accounting systems
  • sending service and billing codes to external billing and accounting systems
  • sending therapy plans for archiving in an external patient data archiving system
  • sending therapy plans for display (read-only) in external hospital information systems
  • sending medication data to external reporting or analytic software
  • sending medication order messages to automated compounding systems
  • sending preparation results of medications to external medication ordering systems
  • sending master data records of users to user management systems

BD Cato™ Data Import ("CDI") is a server-side interface that periodically checks a Windows file share for CSV files to synchronize lot and inventory information between an inventory / materials management system and BD Cato™.

The CDI interface can be configured with a graphical user interface (GUI). BD Cato™ Data Import is intended to import or synchronize lot and inventory information (with optional import of prices) with an external inventory / materials management system for:

  • product lots
  • infusion solution lots
  • empty container lots
  • additional articles lots

What is BD Care Coordination Engine (CCE)?

CCE is a flexible integration platform that provides your organization with interoperability between many BD products and your health information system.


The CCE Core contains common interfacing functionality used by many BD products. This expandable core is the foundation for current and future solutions. Investment in a common interface platform interconnects BD technologies. CCE enables hospitals to add functionality and devices as they grow.


Solutions provide scalable plug-and-play functionality onto the CCE Core to enable interoperability with many BD products. Hospitals can add disparate solutions as the needs arise in the future.

Benefits of CCE


  • Accommodates hospital sizes from the individual facility to integrated IDNs.
  • Runs on a platform that grows with expanding needs.


  • Allows various deployment options: software only, virtual machine (VM) or turnkey solution.
  • Utilises open interface standards ensuring agile and simplified implementation.


  • Works with existing hospital security and data retention policies.
  • Uses built-in security that helps authorise BD support access.


  • Minimises unscheduled downtime through proactive monitoring alerts to BD Technical Support Center (TSC).
  • Leverages existing hospital failover system.
Example of a EMR workflow with BD Cato™


BD Cato™ gibt Ihnen auch die Möglichkeit, Herstellungsroboter in das System zu integrieren. BD Cato™ betrachtet Herstellungsroboter als eine ergänzende Methode zum manuellen volumtrischen und gravimetrischen Herstellungsverfahren. Dies wird gemäß derselben Methode der Bestandsverwaltung, Dokumentation und Berichterstattung in den Gesamtarbeitsablauf integriert. Bislang hat BD Cato™ erfolgreich Integrationen mit den folgenden Roboteranbietern durchgeführt: Loccioni Apoteca, Fresenius PharmaHelper, Girfols Kiro und RIVA ARxIUM.

Wir bieten eine bidirektionale Schnittstelle mit den folgenden Fähigkeiten

  • Arzneimittelbestellungen und Herstellungsergebnisse können über eine HL7-Schnittstelle an ein Robotersystem gesendet werden.
  • Importierte Herstellungsdaten werden mit zusätzlichen, in BD Cato™ angebotenen Arzneimittelprüfungen validiert.
  • Bestellungen mit Verbrauchsmaterial und Infusionssets können auch über die BD Cato™-Schnittstelle an den Roboter gesendet werden.
  • Die Konfiguration verschiedener Robotertypen kann gleichzeitig in BD Cato™ verwaltet werden.
  • Patientenspezifische Herstellung und Chargenproduktionen werden unterstützt.
Robot interface

BD Cato™ also allows you to include robotic compounding devices into the ecosystem. BD Cato™ treats compounding robots as an incremental way to do the actual compounding procedure, in addition to manual volumetric and manual gravimetric. It is integrated into the overall workflow following the same method of inventory management, documentation and reporting. So far BD Cato™ has successfully established integrations with the following robotic vendors: Loccioni Apoteca, Fresenius PharmaHelper, Girfols Kiro and RIVA ARxIUM.

We provide a bi-directional interface with the following capabilities

  • Medication orders and preparation results can be sent to a robot system over a HL7 interface.
  • Imported preparation data is validated with additional medication checks provided in BD Cato™.
  • Orders with consumables and infusion sets can also be sent via the BD Cato™ interface to the robot.
  • Configuration of different robot types can be managed in BD Cato™ at the same time.
  • Patient specific preparations and batch productions are supported.
Loccioni testimonial

Loccioni Erfahrungsbericht


“Die von Loccioni konzipierten Projekte zielen darauf ab, hochinnovative Technologien zu entwickeln und die klinischen Prozesse neu zu gestalten, um qualitativ hochwertige Medikamente für die Patienten und Sicherheit für die Mitarbeiter im Gesundheitswesen zu gewährleisten.

Eines der Hauptziele ist es, das Management von injizierbaren Medikamenten sicherer und effizienter zu machen und damit das Risiko von Medikationsfehlern zu senken, die in jeder Phase der Verschreibung, der Zusammenstellung und der Verabreichung an die Patienten potenziell unerwünschte Ereignisse verursachen.

In Europa haben mehrere Krankenhäuser Systemschnittstellen zwischen den APOTECA Rezepturherstellungsrobotern und der BD Cato™ Workflow-Lösung für Arzneimittel implementiert, um den Kreislauf zu schließen und den gesamten Prozess der Arzneimittelanwendung zu sichern. In der Tat wurden die Systeme bidirektional integriert, wodurch eine lückenlose Rückverfolgbarkeit, eine genaue Prozessdokumentation (Patientensicherheit) sowie eine Verringerung des Risikos der beruflichen Exposition gegenüber gefährlichen Subastanzen und repetitiven Bewegungsverletzungen des medizinischen Personals gewährleistet werden.”

Demis Paolucci, Ph.D.

Leiter der technischen Abteilungen (R&D, Science und Customercare) bei Loccioni Humancare


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Transformation der Abläufe in der Onkologie

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BD Cato™ ist keine getrennte Anwendung, sondern lässt sich in die bestehende IT-Infrastruktur des Krankenhauses integrieren.