BD Vacutainer® UltraTouch™ 푸시 버튼 채혈 세트

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With propriety BD PentaPoint™ and BD RightGauge™ needle technology, the BD Vacutainer® UltraTouch™ push button blood collection set aims to improve the patient experience by enhancing comfort, enabling clinicians to better access difficult veins, and reducing overall procedure times.


 채혈 경험의 재정의 

BD Vacutainer UltraTouch 푸시 버튼 채혈 세트를 통해 BD가 채혈 경험을 어떻게 재정의하는지 알아보십시오.

새로운 25-G 세트가 얼마나 유용한지 알아보십시오!

25-G BD Vacutainer UltraTouch 푸시 버튼 채혈 세트와 23-G 세트의 튜브 채움 비교를 확인하십시오.

참고 자료

1. Comparison of Penetration Force for the BD Vacutainer® UltraTouch™ Push Button Blood Collection Set with PentaPoint Comfort Bevel and RightGauge™ Cannula to the Current BD Vacutainer® Push Button Blood Collection Set with Thin Wall 3-Bevel Cannula. White Paper VS9248. Franklin Lakes, NJ: BD; 2016.

2. Performance evaluation of BD Vacutainer® UltraTouch(™ push button blood collection set and Comparison with the Current BD Vacutainer® push button blood collection set for Visual and Analytical Indicators of Hemolysis. VS9250 White Paper, Franklin Lakes, NJ 2015.

3. Hotaling M. A retractable winged steel (butterfly) needle performance improvement project. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2009:35(2):100-105.

4. Lakeridge Health-Oshawa case study. 

BD Vacutainer® UltraTouch™ 푸시 버튼 채혈 세트 BD BD Vacutainer® UltraTouch™ 푸시 버튼 채혈 세트 /content/dam/bd-assets/bd-com/en-us/logos/bd/header-bd-logo.svg blood collection, phlebotomy, order of draw, blood testing, vacutainer, specimen collection, blood testing, safety needle, blood needle