BD Q-Syte™ Needle-free connector

CDC 및 INICC가 정한 가이드라인에 부합하는 split septum으로 의료진을 보호합니다.


The BD Q-Syte™ needle-free connector has a split septum design that adheres to guidelines for reducing CRBSIs set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium (INICC).

참고 자료
  1. Rupp ME, Sholtz LA, Jourdan DR, et al. Outbreak of bloodstream infection temporally associated with the use of an intravascular needleless valve. Clin Infect Dis. 2007;44:1408-1414.
  2. Salgado CD, Chinnes L, Paczesny TH, Cantey JR. Increased rate of catheter-related bloodstream infection associated with use of a needleless mechanical valve device at a long-term acute care hospital. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2007;28:684-688.4.
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참고 자료
References Rupp ME, Sholtz LA, Jourdan DR, et al. Outbreak of bloodstream infection temporally associated with the use of an intravascular needleless valve. Clin Infect Dis. 2007;44:1408-1414. Salgado CD, Chinnes L, Paczesny TH, Cantey JR. Increased rate of catheter-related bloodstream infection associated with use of a needleless mechanical valve device at a long-term acute care hospital. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2007;28:684-688.4.
참고 자료
References Rupp ME, Sholtz LA, Jourdan DR, et al. Outbreak of bloodstream infection temporally associated with the use of an intravascular needleless valve. Clin Infect Dis. 2007;44:1408-1414. Salgado CD, Chinnes L, Paczesny TH, Cantey JR. Increased rate of catheter-related bloodstream infection associated with use of a needleless mechanical valve device at a long-term acute care hospital. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2007;28:684-688.4.
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CDC 및 INICC가 정한 가이드라인에 부합하는 split septum으로 의료진을 보호합니다.