
Greffon chirurgical XenMatrix™

Matrice de collagène régénératrice


Confidence Reinforced

XenMatrix™ Grafts are created using the patented AquaPure™ Process which effectively removes cells while maintaining the structure and strength of the graft. The resulting open collagen scaffold allows early cellular infiltration and revascularization without a significant loss of strength during the early healing process as demonstrated in preclinical studies.1


Caractéristiques et avantages



Les études précliniques ont démontré :

  • Une résistance mécanique avérée2
  • Un maintient de la résistance au début du processus de cicatrisation1


  • Données cliniques évaluées par des pairs2
Products & Accessories

Related Products


1. Preclinical data on file, results may not correlate to clinical performance

2. Deeken CR, Eliason B, Pichert M, Grant S, Frisella M, Matthews B. Differentiation of Biologic Scaffold Materials Through Physiomechanical, Thermal and Enzymatic Degradation Techniques. Ann Surg 2012. Mar; 255(3):595-604.


Intended for implantation to reinforce soft tissue where weakness exists and for surgical repair of damaged or ruptured soft tissue, including: abdominal plastic and reconstructive surgery; muscle flap reinforcement; hernia repair including abdominal, inguinal, femoral, diaphragmatic, scrotal, umbilical, and incisional hernias.


XenMatrix™Surgical Graft should not be used on patients with known sensitivity to porcine products. Not for reconstruction of cardiovascular defects. Not for reconstruction of central nervous system or peripheral nervous system defects. Use of this product in applications other than those indicated has the potential for serious complications.


If an infection develops, it should be treated aggressively. An allergic reaction, which is unrelated to other therapy, is an indication to consider removal of XenMatrix™ Surgical Graft.


Place device in maximum possible contact with healthy, well-vascularized tissue to promote cell ingrowth and tissue remodeling. When unable to close skin over the XenMatrix™ Surgical Graft, ensure that the implant remains moist. Avoid drying of the implant through “continued suction devices” as this may negatively impact the performance of the implant. Only physicians qualified in the appropriate surgical techniques should use this surgical graft. The surgeon should thoroughly understand the surgical procedure and the performance characteristics of the surgical graft.

Adverse Reactions

Potential complications with the use of any prosthesis may include, but are not limited to, allergy, seroma, infection, inflammation, adhesion, fistula formation, hematoma and recurrence of tissue defect.

Please consult package insert for more detailed safety information and instructions for use.




Veuillez noter que certains produits, services ou caractéristiques peuvent ne pas être disponibles dans votre région. Veuillez consulter votre représentant BD local.

Le greffon chirurgical XENMATRIX™ est utilisé dans le cadre d’une implantation pour renforcer les tissus mous en cas de fragilité ou dans le cadre dela réparation chirurgicale de tissus mous lésés ou déchirés. Dispositif médical de classe III (MDR 2017/745), CE 2797. Fabricant: Davol inc. Pour un bon usage se référer à la notice d’utilisation. Edition Juillet 2023


  1. Données précliniques archivées ; il est possible que les résultats ne correspondent pas à la performance clinique.
  2. Deeken CR, Eliason B, Pichert M, Grant S, Frisella M, Matthews B. Differentiation of Biologic Scaffold Materials Through Physiomechanical, Thermal and Enzymatic Degradation Techniques. Ann Surg 2012. Mar; 255(3):595-604.


Greffon chirurgical XenMatrix™ - BD BD Greffon chirurgical XenMatrix™




Les études précliniques ont démontré :

  • Une résistance mécanique avérée2
  • Un maintient de la résistance au début du processus de cicatrisation1


  • Données cliniques évaluées par des pairs2

Matrice de collagène régénératrice

xenmatrix (110 AMS), maille biologique xenmatrix (N/A)