BD Pyxis™ Technologies de gestion des médicaments BD Pyxis™ BD Pyxis™ IV Prep

Préparation intraveineuse Pyxis™ BD

Un système complet de gestion du flux de travail IV basé sur la gravimétrie (IVWMS) qui contribue à la sécurité des médicaments, à l'efficacité et à la conformité réglementaire dans les opérations de préparation pharmaceutique.

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BD Pyxis™ IV Prep is a comprehensive, gravimetric-based IV workflow management system that helps intercept errors, reduce waste and optimize medication compounding workflows. With advanced pharmacy technology comes more critical and timely notifications—like alerts to intercept drug and dose errors in real time via gravimetric analysis workflows with integrated hard stops. When preparing IVs, your pharmacy teams will leverage a new level of clinical intelligence to ensure that the right medications are available at the right time—while improving efficiency and reducing avoidable waste and cost. 

BD Pyxis™ IV Prep also helps your organization with compliance. Before adopting our IV workflow solution, a 535-bed New York hospital struggled to keep up with sterile compounding compliance, often dealing with hundreds of overdue compliance activities that jeopardized their overall quality. After using BD Pyxis™ IV Prep, this hospital reported zero IV room audit findings during their latest TJC visit.[1]


[1]ECRI:  Transforming Pharmacy Compounding Practice - NewYork-Presbyterian Queens Improves Medication Safety through Technology Implementation (Nov. 2020)


Highlighted Features:

  • Optimize compounding workflows and streamline processes with guided automated workflow progression and remote pharmacist's, verification
  • Get real-time dose preparation error notifications via gravimetric analysis and workflow hard stops
  • Help reduce waste with detailed clean-room inventory management including automated NDC, lot, expiration and BUD capture


Product Training:

To learn about BD Pyxis™ IV Prep Instructor Led Training course or additional training resources, visit MMS Education Services Training page. →

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