Hospitals using the BD MaxPlus™ Needleless Connector had lower unadjusted CLABSI rates, as well as lower standardised infection ratios, compared to hospitals not using the BD MaxPlus Needleless Connector.*
Choose the only needle-free connector with an FDA-cleared label statement demonstrating a reduction in CLABSI rates
Hospitals using the BD MaxPlus™ Needleless Connector had lower unadjusted CLABSI rates, as well as lower standardised infection ratios, compared to hospitals not using the BD MaxPlus Needleless Connector.*
A variety of extension sets are available for the MaxPlus™ Needle-free Connector to customize infusion therapy for patients.
* 2013 CMS hospital compare data from 3,074 hospitals, accounting for nearly 11,000 CLABSIs associated with nearly 10 million catheter days
* 2013 CMS hospital compare data from 3,074 hospitals, accounting for nearly 11,000 CLABSIs associated with nearly 10 million catheter days
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* 2013 CMS hospital compare data from 3,074 hospitals, accounting for nearly 11,000 CLABSIs associated with nearly 10 million catheter days